Access • Advocacy • Justice


Contact & Inquiry

Submit an Inquiry

Use the form below to tell us about your legal issue, and we’ll email or call you back (your preference) to schedule an appointment.  Please be as detailed as possible.  You may also email or call us. Vincent Law, PLLC's general response time is GENERALLY one business day.


➤ locationS

Houston, Texas & St. Paul, Minnesota  

Office Hours

Monday - Saturday

  • By Appointment

  • Via Zoom

☎ Contact
Offices: St. Paul, MN (651)204-5300; Houston, TX (713)223-9300

Contact us for rates

Depending on the case, we offer an hourly rate or a flat rate.various fee structures. Vincent Law, PLLC keeps detailed logs of the time spent on your case. Work logs will be disclosed to all clients upon the closing of a case.

We only work for as long as a case requires, so you’ll never be over-billed for unproductive time. Final bills will include costs which include, but are not limited to copying, filing, messengers, third-party research tools, process service, and the like. 

We do accept credit card payments for some services.  Retainers must be paid in full before work begins.

If your legal issue needs special expertise, Vincent Law, PLLC may work with other attorneys, investigators, or experts. These resources operate independently and are not part of our firm or affiliated with us. We believe that our teamwork will benefit our clients.